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Organ Santa Maria Degli Angeli

Description     Screenshots     The Stop List     Demo Songs     Pictures    Download



The Organ of  Santa Maria degli Angeli in Bisenti (Te) was built in 1985 as a replacement for an antique organ of the Venetian school of the late 18th century. The original one  had only one manual and pedalboard at a lectern  and was in a terrible state.   In fact, after various alterations  only a few old stops and a minimum part of the mechanics remained  and it became impossible to restore. For this reason  the new organ was built and the composition of the stops  was taken care of  by the organist Claudio Di Massimantonio. He took into consideration the performance practices of the best European organ literature but also the restricted space which housed  the organ.

The Organ was built by the organbuilder Ponziano Bevilacqua. The first and second keyboard are completely with mechanical transmission while the pedal board is with electric transmission. The pedal board was built by electric transmission because the space where organbuilder could build the organ was too small

The second keyboard has all the pipes placed in the swell where work the stop of the tremulant. The keyboards are made of boxwood and ebony while the pedal is concave radius. The first 12 main front pipes are copper while the other rods are 60% alloy of tin and 40% lead,  with the exception of the horizontal rods of the trumpet that are copper.

The windchests are within range and have a pressure of 48 mm at the water column for the first keyboard (Great), 45 mm for the second keyboard (Swell) and 55 mm for the pedal board.

The choice of stops to be included in the organ was made by considering the execution of the best European organ literature and by maintaining the harmonization characteristics of the Italian tradition of organ building, particularly that of central-southern Italy.

In this organ, the stops of the families of Principals, Flutes and Trumpets are present.   There are also three mutation stops, Sesquialtera, nazardo and third. The Sesquialtera mutation (preferred by Bach) was introduced in Italy in the 17th century  and it is composed by the XII and the XVII pipe of the Principal family. The Third and Nazardo, combined together at two feet of piccolo, give rise to the "tierce", very popular with French composers, and are the basis of the formation of the cornetto.

The horizontal facade trumpets is in Spanish style. In fact, The influences of Spain were felt in Italy from the 1700s onwards (See the organ of St. John the Baptist Church). The pipes of the pedal board are placed on either side of the organ with pipes of 16, 8 and 4 feet, and reeds and  bordone give body to the organ.

The mixture is  typically Italian because the refrain is in  Italian style. There is also a log swing, dear to the Italian tradition, the Human Voice or Fiffaro,  present in almost all Italian organs of the 17th  century. The temperament is equable, and the organ is pitched at A = 440 Hz.

 The organ can be found in the parish church of Bisenti, a town with about 2000 inhabitants,  in the Province of Teramo, in the Abruzzo region. Bisenti is an old town, behind the mountain of the Gran Sasso, about 40 km from the Adriatic Sea, probably of Greek or Italic origin. Formerly it belonged to the "Vestinia" when the capital of Teramo was "Pretuzio". According to a  legend, Bisenti was the birthplace of Pontius Pilate, but it is considered only a legend because there is no historical proof of it. Nevertheless, in Bisenti there is a house which allegedly belonged to the Roman consul Pontius Pilate, with a well inside that dates back to Roman times. A typical tradition of this village is  Patronal Festival and the Wine Festival which takes place in September.



The sample set have 2 attacks in different sample, 8 loops for sample and 5 releases for sample . It require:

1) Software Hauptwerk licensed  version 4 (Milan Digital Audio). The sample set is tested with haptwerk Version 4.0.

2) 10400 MB about of Ram for load  the virtual Organ with 24 Bit Uncomperssed with all loops, all attack and all release.

3) Attention: the samples are protected and works only with hauptwerk licensed edition (Basic Edition or Advanced Edition) and required the update the dongle Hauptwerk.











The Stop List


 Grandorgano (Great)

Espressivo (Swell)

Principale 8' Principale 4'
Ottava 4' Cimbalo 1'
Quintadecima 2' Bordone Vivace 8'
Ripieno 1' 1/3 Nazardo 2' 2/3
Sesquialtera 2' 2/3  1' 3/5 Ottavino 2'
Flauto a Camino 8' Terza di Flauto 1' 3/5
Fiffaro 8' Tromba Piccola 8'
Tromba Orizzontale 8'


Subbasso 16'
Tappato 8'
Flauto in Selva 4'
Controfagotto 16'
Fagotto 8'
Fagotto 4'


Manual 1 to Pedal
Manual 2 to Pedal
Manual 2 to Manual 1
Tremulant coupled to the expressive (Swell)


Demo Songs

The demo tracks were recorded with Hauptwerk 4  advanceded edition and the virtual organ Santa Maria degli Angeli version 2 with multiple attacks, multiple loops and multiple releases. No additional effect processing have been added to the recording. The tail of release is the original of the samples. All traks were recorded ad the original temperament of the organ La 440 equal temperament.

  J.S.Bach - Preludio e fuga in Sol Minore - bwv-535

Pedal: Subbasso 16 + Tappato 8 + Flauto 4

Great: Principale 8 + Ottava 4 + Quintadecima + Ripieno 1 1/3 + Flauto a Camino 8

Swell: Principale 4 + Cimbalo 1 + Bordone Vivace 8

Unions: Manual 1 to Pedal

  J.S.Bach - Toccata e Fuga in Re Minore Pedal: Subbasso 16 + Tappato 8 + Flauto 4

Great: Principale 8 + Ottava 4 + Quintadecima + Ripieno 1 1/3 + Flauto a Camino 8

Swell: Principale 4 + Cimbalo 1 + Bordone Vivace 8

Unions: Manual 1 to Pedal

  J.S.Bach - Aria Pedal: Subbasso 16

Great: Flauto a Camino 8

Swell: Bordone Vivace 8 + Tremulant

Unions: Manual 2 to Manual1

  J.S.Bach - Bwv 622 Pedal: Subbasso 16

Great: Flauto a Camino 8 + Sesquialtera 2' 2/3  1' 3/5

Swell: Bordone Vivace 8

  J.S.Bach - Choral BWV639 Pedal: Subbasso 16

Great: Principale 8 + Flauto a Camino 8

Swell: Principale 4 + Bordone Vivace 8 + Nazardo 2 2/3 + Ottavino+ Terza di Flauto 1 (Italian Cornet)

  J.S.Bach - ChoralBwv 639 (Tremulant) Pedal: Subbasso 16

Great: Principale 8 + Flauto a Camino 8

Swell: Principale 4 + Bordone Vivace 8 + Nazardo 2 2/3 + Ottavino+ Terza di Flauto 1 + Tremulant (Italian Cornet)

  J.S.Bach - Choral BWV645 Pedal: Subbasso 16 

Great: Principale 8 + Ottava 4 + Flauto a Camino 8

Swell: Principale 4 + Tromba Piccola 8

  J.S.Bach - choral Bwv721  Pedal: Subbasso 16

Great: Principale 8 + Ottava 4 + Sesquialtera 2' 2/3  1' 3/5

Swell: Bordone Vivace 8

  L.Boellmann - first time from Suite Gotique Pedal: Subbasso 16 + Tappato 8 + Flauto 4 + Controfagotto16 + Fagotto 8 + Fagotto 4

Great: Principale 8 + Ottava 4 + Quintadecima + Ripieno 1 1/3 + Flauto a Camino 8 

Swell: Principale 4 + Cimbalo 1 + Bordone Vivace 8

Unions: Manual 1 to Pedal + Manual 2 to Pedal + Manual 2 to Manual 1

  L.Boellmann - Toccata fromSuite Gotique Pedal: Subbasso 16 + Tappato 8 + Flauto 4 + Controfagotto16 + Fagotto 8 + Fagotto 4

Great: Principale 8 + Ottava 4 + Quintadecima + Ripieno 1 1/3 + Flauto a Camino 8

Swell: Principale 4 + Cimbalo 1 + Bordone Vivace 8

Unions: Manual 1 to Pedal + Manual 2 to Pedal + Manual 2 to Manual 1

  L.Boellmann - Elevation  Pedal: Subbasso 16 + Tappato 8

Great: Principale 8 + Fiffaro

  E.Mulet - Chant funebre Pedal: Subbasso 16  + Tappato 8 + Flauto 4

Great: Flauto a Camino 8

Swell: Principale 4 + Tromba Piccola 8

Unions: Manual 1 to Pedal 

  E.Mulet - Carillon Sortie Pedal: Subbasso 16 + Tappato 8 + Flauto 4 + Controfagotto16 + Fagotto 8 + Fagotto 4

Great: Principale 8 + Ottava 4 + Quintadecima + Ripieno 1 1/3 + Flauto a Camino 8

Swell: Principale 4 + Cimbalo 1 + Bordone Vivace 8

Unions: Manual 1 to Pedal 

  C.Franck - Prelude, Variation And Fugue Op 18  Pedal: Subbasso 16  + Tappato 8 + Flauto 4

Great: Principale 8 + Flauto a Camino 8

Swell: Principale 4 + Tromba Piccola 8

Unions: Manual 1 to Pedal 

  Dandrieu - Duo Pedal: Subbasso 16  + Fagotto 8

Great: Principale 8 + Ottava4 + Flauto a Camino 8+ Tromba Orizzontale 8

Swell: Principale 4 + Bordone Vivace8 +Tromba Piccola 8

  Buxtehude - Prelude And Fugue In G Min Pedal: Subbasso 16 + Tappato 8 + Flauto 4

Great: Principale 8 + Ottava 4 + Quintadecima + Ripieno 1 1/3 + Flauto a Camino 8

Swell: Principale 4 + Cimbalo 1 + Bordone Vivace 8

Unions: Manual 1 to Pedal

  Widor - Toccata From Symphony N* 5  Pedal: Subbasso 16 + Tappato 8 + Flauto 4 + Controfagotto16 + Fagotto 8 + Fagotto 4

Great: Principale 8 + Ottava 4 + Quintadecima + Ripieno 1 1/3 + Flauto a Camino 8

Swell: Principale 4 + Cimbalo 1 + Bordone Vivace 8

Unions: Manual 1 to Pedal 








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